In each variant, swinging your arms up and down (simulating jogging on the spot) moves you in the configured direction. The faster you swing your arms, the faster you travel. Fully configurable maximum speed. To climb up / over objects, press down the trackpad/thumbstick controller to teleport.
Rotation. For those playing in a smaller space, or even seated-play, RuneSage supports a number of methods of rotation so you can explore in all directions.
Free rotate. Press the grip button on either controller to artificially rotate the view in the game world by rotating the controllers. When finished, just release the grip button to continue.
Walkabout. Press the grip button on either controller to "freeze" the gameworld in place - you can then turn around in the real world and continue walking in the same direction in the game world. When finished, just release the grip button to continue.
Roomscale. Disables rotation when pressing the grip button on either controller - turn around in the game world by turning around in the real world!
Rune Shapes. Draw runes with your hands; press the rear trigger button to start drawing, trace the outline of the rune's shape, then release the trigger to finish.