

  • 游戏类别: Steam VR游戏
  • 游戏语言: 英文
  • 游戏类型: 休闲 音乐
  • 游戏控制: 定位运动控制器
  • 游戏大小: 2.61GB
  • 更新时间: 2023-01-16
  • 制作发行: narayana games UG
  • 发行日期: 2020-02-29




Holodance 是第一个向公众展示的 VR 节奏游戏,于 2015 年年中发布,并于 2016 年 4 月 5 日作为前两个 VR 节奏游戏之一发布到抢先体验版。从那时起,它从“与龙共舞”演变而来,只有少数在其环保主题故事模式(WIP,参见抢先体验)中专门为游戏制作的歌曲,还可以让您播放本地音乐库以及 osu! 的 60,000 张排名地图中的任何一张。在 Holodance Free Mode 中播放超过 12,000 首歌曲:

在 20 种不同的环境中播放,从热带海滩或有海豚和鲸鱼的水下环境,到迷幻抽象隧道或小行星带:

无论您是跟随我们友好的巨龙进入一个潜在的反乌托邦未来的兔子洞,并一路上与 Pr​​itvitej 拳击(WIP,预览),还是更喜欢在零分心环境中用高强度 beatmap 挑战自己,并在同时进行良好的锻炼你在它 - Holodance 已经覆盖了你。该游戏甚至可以让您用头捕捉这些球体 - 如果您已经拥有 Vive 追踪器,您也可以用脚捕捉它们,功夫风格:

什么是全息舞?Holo 显然是受到 Holodeck 的启发,所以想象一下“在 Holodeck 中跳舞”。当然,“舞”只是指配合节奏,随着音乐自由自在地舞动。有些球体与您需要捕捉的音乐完美同步,还有您需要跟随的曲线。但是不,我们不会告诉你如何移动,因为我们认为跳舞真的是一种自由表达节奏和快乐的运动。



混合现实、Vive 追踪器、流光模式

Holodance 完全支持混合现实,使用常规的 SteamVR 象限视图、MixCast(需要订阅但具有在游戏中进行合成的好处)以及原生 LIV 集成。

玩 Holodance 不需要 Vive 追踪器,但如果你有两个并将它们连接到你的脚上,你就可以用脚捕捉球体。Holodance Avatar 系统支持多达 7 个 Vive 追踪器(推荐 3 个),让您可以为各种形式注入生命,从动漫角色到科幻士兵。Avatar 系统与 Streamer 模式相关联,该模式旨在让观众从各种第三人称视角观看玩家,这些视角甚至可以由游戏自动切换,完美地配合节拍。


我们在 Holodance 中内置了几个功能,以使其在演示/派对/街机场景中运行良好。如果您喜欢做演示或经营街机,请务必与我们联系。


总的来说,是个比较耐玩的游戏,当然,也需要你足够的耐心去摸索英文为主的菜单,虽然好像能选中文语言,不过遗憾的还是有大量的英文内容需要理解。如果你玩osu!,也最好有耐心去弄明白配置文件Configuration.json。 故事模式感觉时给小朋友玩的,龙的形象真心有点幼稚,不过好在有自由模式,我也只玩自由模式. 这个虽然付费,但确实比McOSU多出了一些选择,比如可以关闭滑块(slider)和旋转动作(spinner). 因此,玩起来更加随心所欲。 可玩性也好些,可以选择角色avatar。可以使用tracker用脚踢,这个挺好的,有助于提高运动量。 不过感觉可完善的地方还很多,感觉最急需改进的: 1.自由模式下角色还不能保存,下次进入还需要重新设置。看了下论坛,2018年developer就说会改进,不过貌似现在仍然不行。希望能早点完成。 2.osu等网上资源在我这儿下载很慢,所以我通常都下载到本地后在玩。我已经设置osu! 的路径, 但在菜单上找不到本地音乐资源,貌似音乐选择时,没有一个选项只显示本地音乐。 3.对于vive震动有点夸张,手都麻了,需要一个调整震动的选项。目前,我是通过steamVR的手柄设置,关掉震动,才能接受,不过问题是手感确实又差了一些。 这些问题希望能得到开发者的支持,多谢。(可以接受英文回答,多谢!) Translated by google: In general, it is a more playable game. Of course, you also need to be patient enough to explore the English-based menu. Although it seems that you can choose the Chinese language, unfortunately there are still a lot of English content to understand. If you play osu !, it is best to have patience to figure out the configuration file Configuration.json. Story mode feels like playing for children, the image of the dragon is really a bit naive, but fortunately there is free mode, I only play free mode. Although this is paid, it does have some more options than McOSU, such as closing the slider (slider) and rotating action (spinner). Therefore, playing more freely. Playability is also better, you can choose the character avatar. You can use the tracker to kick with your feet. This is good and helps to increase the amount of exercise. However, there are still many areas that can be improved, and I feel the most urgent need for improvement: 1. The character cannot be saved in free mode, and you need to reset it when you enter next time. After reading the forum, the developer said that it will improve in 2018, but it seems that it still does not work now. Hope to finish it soon. 2. Online resources such as osu are slow to download here, so I usually download them to the local and play. I have set the path of osu !, but I cannot find the local music resource on the menu. It seems that when selecting music, there is no option to display local music only . 3. The vive vibration is a bit exaggerated, the hands are numb, and you need an option to adjust the vibration. At present, I use the steamVR handle setting to turn off the vibration to accept it, but the problem is that the feel is really worse. I hope these questions can be supported by the developers, thank you. (An English answer is acceptable, thank you!) ------------------------ attached the answer(下面是开发者的回复,解决了我上面的疑问:) Thank you for the feedback and including the Google Translation! 感谢您的反馈,包括Google翻译! 1. Do you mean the calibration of the Avatar? We did have a major improvement in this area in 2019: Now, when only using headset and controllers, you don't need calibration at all anymore. With trackers (e.g. for feet), it's a bit tricky because the trackers could be attached a little differently in each session, so using a stored calibration may give you trouble. But that's still something I'm hoping to add, anyways. 2. Did you find the Music Library settings? It's in this video: - there can select which sources should be shown in the library. For your situation, it's probably best to use "osu!: Holodance Songs Folder". 3. You can control the intensity of haptic feedback in "Finetune Gameplay", it's the first entry under "Guides and Feedback", called "Haptic Intensity", see also:
游戏是好游戏。。。节奏还不错,我超喜欢第二条龙!!问题指引太少了。。。free mode怎么玩啊。。。进去完全不开始,就只能站着,还是我等级不够吗? ----------------- I mean that when I enter the free mode,I can't play maps from osu! .What I can do is standing and listening music.Does it because that my level is too low? The novice tutorial is too few.I don't totally understand how to play the game.
这个游戏没发现什么乐趣,菜单和设置复杂,也没有中文,和光剑游戏和Dance Collider 的手感差好多没得比,不过也能玩,好评吧,希望能改善更新。
Maestro Kazahana
Maestro Kazahana
剧情模式的音乐编的很乏味,实在玩不下去,不过支持OSU的谱面所以这都不是事。 判定比OSU容易,虽然手感还是不如音盾爽快,不过还算可以接受,而且曲库无限丰富。 换句话说OSU极大地提高了这个游戏的可玩性,定价也很良心,买买买!
雪花牌电视机 SnowTV
雪花牌电视机 SnowTV
这应该是目前最好的VR音游。理由很简单:这游戏支持OSU的谱子,这就相当于已经有了成百上千的歌供你玩,而且优化的还不错。讲道理如果这个比音盾先出,我绝对会买这个的,还便宜。音盾虽然有自动识谱,但是和大部分自动识谱的一样,还是不可能有玩家自己编的谱子好玩。 我还记得当年看有土豪拿超大号触摸屏电视玩osu,那叫一个羡慕。现在好了,你不仅有一个全角度超大显示,还不用担心一拳没注意把电视砸了。买买买! 妈的。。。不知道还有McOSU这种东西。。。
没音盾玩的爽、但是节奏远比音盾好 不光用手柄玩、还能用头·· 用头!!简直要死·· 甚至有个成就就是全程用头、卧槽头顶半公斤还能打点·· 第51次更新、终于可以玩第二三个图了 第二条龙绝逼龙里面的美龙子·· 法国口音、角色还风骚无比··