
terryren 评论数:9




游戏没有音盾玩起来带感,虽然游戏内音乐已经编排好了鼓点,但是手柄和鼓接触的瞬间只有一点点触感,而且没有音效的变化,很难达到音乐和人兴奋的合一感。 我和我老婆都感觉略微无聊。所以希望改这方面的系统再来扩充曲库。
杀戮空间:入侵(Killing Floor: Incursion)

评论游戏《杀戮空间:入侵(Killing Floor: Incursion)》

11月16日评论: 移动真心很难用,不论瞬移还是平常移动, 经常不知道走到哪里,乱了方位。还有就是手臂菜单有时候能 调出有时候调不出来? 游戏中的丧尸是突然冒出来的,很出戏,好比进了一个屋子,丧尸就在你眼前变出来了。少了很多恐怖感。 赶紧修复BUG吧! 11月15日评论: 玩了大概半个多小时,前期的教学就占用了15分钟有些略长。进入剧情模式,黑夜场景漫天星空映照着孤独与恐怖的气息。走了几分钟流程打爆几个丧尸居然被解密卡主了,明天看了攻略在继续玩,作评论更新。 暂时优点:画面确实不错,前期手枪手感挺好,有教学机器人提示流程,虽然听不懂。 暂时缺点:瞬移不是按照360度定位来制作的,瞬移时会让选择前后左右位置,经常触摸圆盘按不对瞬移过去就凌乱了,我这是在哪里?也许可以设置关闭,明天我在仔细找找。 November 16 Comments: Mobile really hard to use, whether teleport or usual mobile, often do not know where to go, chaos azimuth. There is sometimes the arm menu can sometimes be transferred out of tune? The zombie in the game is suddenly emerge, is a play, like into a house, the zombie in your eyes out. Less a lot of horror. BUG repair it quickly! November 15 comments: Play about half an hour, pre-teaching took 15 minutes slightly longer. Into the plot mode, the night sky sky reflects the atmosphere of loneliness and terror. A few minutes away to go blasting a few zombies actually been declassified card master, read Raiders tomorrow continue to play for comment update. Temporary advantages: the picture is really good, very good early pistol feel, there are teaching robot tips process, though do not understand. Temporary Disadvantages: Teleport is not in accordance with the 360-degree positioning to make, teleport will make the choice around the location, often touch the disc by the teleport over the clutter, I am where? Maybe it can be set off, tomorrow I'm looking for it.
餐厅二人组(VR The Diner Duo)

评论游戏《餐厅二人组(VR The Diner Duo)》



11月13日 更新 如果遇见进游戏一直SYNCING同步进不了游戏,要打开VPN就可以了,好像它开始游戏要联网同步数据啥的。必须翻墙。 2月17日更新 (手感最出众的壁球游戏,精准到位,360度回球视角在VIVE线缆的影响下不太爽。 自从买下就连接成功过一次网络模式,感觉很有意思,给你匹配一个对手,你们两个一人一球来回击打,每人50分,谁最后的分数为0或为输,100为赢。当然感觉人还是不多很难匹配上,下一版本更新会增加游玩单人模式的同时搜索网络联机! 每天都会打一会很好玩,尤其大力击打球咋墙壁的滚动能增加得分。) 玩法和DEMO时候差不多,玩法也是尽量打绿色图块,如果很长时间没有打住绿色就会结束。 背景音乐依然没有,只有背景音效,我感觉如果加上电子音乐会更有感觉。 模式分单人、街机和多人模式。 尝试了1分钟多人模式,没有匹配上人。 希望后期有所增加内容,稍显单一。
拳击联盟 (Knockout League - Arcade VR Boxing)

评论游戏《拳击联盟 (Knockout League - Arcade VR Boxing)》

Vive Studios旗下Grab Games开发的拳击游戏Knockout League也是在CES2017上重推之作,有了VIVE的支持素质确认很不错。 1 刚进入游戏内画质比较模糊,可以进设置选择画质为高就好很多。 2 它并不像普通的拳击游戏,不停击打防守,枯燥无味。游戏内暂时提供了四位对手,各有所长也各有弱点。 3 游戏玩法就好比玩拳皇、街霸这类游戏一样,你可以躲避对手,防守对手,也可以等对手使玩招的空档期里面回击对手。在对手头晕之际也可以使出连环打打倒对手。并且打每一位对手的方法都不一样,要找出每位的弱点和空档期要多玩几次才会发现。 4连续玩了半小时,已经累到虚脱。第二位对手是一个带的龙头头盔的女性角色,经常使用连环重拳打的我没了办法。下次再战。 5此游戏值得购买,卡通风格,非正统拳击的街机游戏玩法,让人欲罢不能,汗流浃背。 (谁知道第二个女对手,第三波怎么打,怎么也过不去,求指点,谢谢)
谷歌地球VR(Google Earth VR)

评论游戏《谷歌地球VR(Google Earth VR)》

高清晰羽毛球(High clear VR)

评论游戏《高清晰羽毛球(High clear VR)》

------很喜欢羽毛球,以前经常打,现在上班也没时间了。而且出去打羽毛球费用很高。早前一直期待非VR版本的羽毛球游戏能出来,等到现在也没有出,不是网球就是篮球足球什么的。 HIGH CLEAR这个是我玩到仿真度最高的羽毛球游戏,反手,吊球,扣杀,高远都模仿比较到位。游戏内自己不需要移动,球被对方打过来就自动瞬移到接球位置,虽然没有跑动,但是击球那一瞬间还是很爽的。 会打羽毛球的朋友应该都知道怎么正确握羽毛球拍,所以在此强调下,正确握拍以后仿真度很高。经常一晚上玩半小时右胳膊就很困了。打PRO模式的对手很轻松,破绽很多,但是传奇模式的选手简直变态啊,经常打我21比个位数,哈哈。 游戏内有网络联机模式,但是这个游戏人群还是少,基本连不到人,只能和好友玩了。还有一些小游戏模式,随便玩玩挺有意思,玩多了略无聊。暂时发现游戏有个BUG,就是电脑对手经常就穿网而过,面对面站到我的场地了。希望赶紧修复。 I really like badminton, I used to play often, and I have not got any time to go to work now. And go out to play badminton expensive. Earlier has been looking forward to the non-VR version of the badminton game can come out, until now there is no out, not tennis or basketball football or something. HIGH CLEAR This is my play to the highest degree of simulation badminton game, backhand, drop ball, smash, lofty imitation more in place. The game itself does not need to move the ball was hit by the other side automatically teleport to the catch position, although not running, but the shot that moment is still very cool. Friends who play badminton should all know how to properly hold a badminton racket, so under this emphasis, the correct degree of grip after the high degree of simulation. Often sleepy right arm for half an hour at night. Play PRO model opponents is very easy, flawed a lot, but the legendary moderator simply metamorphosis ah, often hit me more than a single digit, ha ha. There are online games online mode, but this game crowd is still small, basic even less than people, and friends can play. There are some small game mode, casually playing interesting, play a bit boring. Temporarily found a BUG game, AI often cross the net, face to face to my site. Hope to quickly repair.


------只能说是现在所有联机VR游戏里服务器最稳定的一个游戏了。和朋友一起打怪网络十分稳定(相比那坑爹的亚利桑那阳光的联机好了几百倍),游戏内加上好友,直接点邀请或者进入好友的组就可以,也能邀请STEAM好友进来。 画面比较出色(画面全部设置为高),场景也很大,移动是瞬移和平移同时运作的,此游戏平移不会让人产生晕,优化的很好。 游戏最初期武器比较简单,不好用(这游戏为啥叫枪械之心)主要是靠后期金币多了买武器和最最关键的解锁模组,多达几十种模组,模组可以应用到枪械上,不同模组装到抢上效果不同,比如弩,可以增加射击速度,自动填弓等等模组,使得后期枪械手感爽到爆。还有狙击枪,添加伤害力、爆头等模组,威力十分强。 反正感觉是现阶段最NICE的网络联机PVE VR游戏了。 -------Can only say that the current server in all online VR games the most stable game. Daguai network with friends with very stable (compared to the pit father of the Arizona Sunshine Online several hundred times better), add friends in the game, the point of invitation or direct access to the group of friends can also invite STEAM friends come in. The picture is quite good (the picture is all set to high), the scene is also large, the movement is teleport and translation at the same time operation, this game translation will not produce people halo, optimization is very good. The initial game of the game is relatively simple, not easy to use (this game is why the heart of firearms) mainly by the late gold coins to buy more weapons and the most critical unlock module, up to dozens of modules, the module can be applied To the firearms, different modules to grab on the different effects, such as crossbow, you can increase the firing rate, automatic bow filling and so on module, making the late gun feel cool to burst. There are sniper rifles, add damage, burst the first class module, the power is very strong. Anyway, the feeling is the most recent stage NICE network online PVE VR game.
时空之拳 VR (Space Fist)

评论游戏《时空之拳 VR (Space Fist)》

又是一款非常耗体力的游戏,以前耗体力的游戏有 子弹之殇,还有grab出的那款 拳击联盟。 这次来的更给给劲。对手数量增多并且有解锁项目等,可玩性也增强许多! 这款拳击游戏比拳击联盟更显真实,采取的不是一味的躲避,有主动进攻、防御以及闪避,还可以蓄满能量使用特别攻击。 感觉有两个缺点,第一个是敌人防御时候,你进攻时感觉像在打空气,没有任何感觉,最好给对方也加上防御的防护网,以及对方防御时进攻最好加入轻微的手柄震动感,这样感觉更真实!另一个是师姐的眼睛做的太假了,一点也不生动,最好重新设计下。 游戏很耐玩,最好购入,每天玩半小时,能强身健体达到减肥功效!