超棒的VR展示,弥补了很多The Lab没有能展示的地方,尤其是枪械射击这一块。只是很短,但毕竟是个DEMO性质的游戏。啥推荐双1080SLI都是放屁,一张1080 Ultra没感觉有啥问题。
Very well-crafted VR showcase that complements The Lab. It made up the missing "shooting" part of VR in The Lab. It's short, but it's more of a demo than game anyway. The recommendation of dual GTX1080 SLI is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. One 1080 handles ultra just fine.
英伟达游乐园VR(NVIDIA® VR Funhouse) - Steam游戏评论