传奇故事VR(Legendary Tales) - Steam游戏评论

整体体验还可以,最好有同伴一起联机,体验还是不错的。 p2p联机,如果连不上或者延迟高的话推荐使用p2p party之类的p2p联机工具。 缺点就是重复游玩性略差,虽然是随机生成地图,但本质也只是相同地形的房间进行排列组合,多打几关之后就会经常感觉,这个房间地形怎么这么眼熟。 另外流程也比较短,和朋友双人联机,10小时出头就见到boss了,因为没怎么刷等级装备,所以惨败_(:_」∠)_不过如果打完了boss,那也就直接通关了,没什么其他游玩空间,相对于这个价位来说感觉不太值。 作者6月份画大饼,承诺年内会更新更大的出生村子,更多种类的地牢,更随机的地图,更多的武器,更多的敌人,更多的动作,但是眼看这都12月了,也没什么进展……不知道什么时候能出来
这游戏价格奇贵(国区200多) 但是相比于冒险模式憋了几年憋不出个屁的剑与魔法 想要组队近战刷刷刷我莫得选择 就当是支持愿意制作这个类型游戏的开发组了
中秋节,又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国民间的传统节日。中秋节源自天象崇拜,由上古时代秋夕祭月演变而来。中秋节自古便有祭月、赏月、吃月饼、玩花灯、赏桂花、饮桂花酒等民俗,流传至今,经久不息。 中秋节起源于上古时代,普及于汉代,定型于唐朝初年,盛行于宋朝以后。中秋节是秋季时令习俗的综合,其所包含的节俗因素,大都有古老的渊源。中秋节以月之圆兆人之团圆,为寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,成为丰富多彩、弥足珍贵的文化遗产。 最初“祭月节”的节期是在干支历二十四节气“秋分”这天,后来才调至夏历八月十五日。 [46] 中秋节与春节、清明节、端午节并称为中国四大传统节日。受中华文化的影响,中秋节也是东亚和东南亚一些国家尤其是当地的华人华侨的传统节日。 2006年5月20日,国务院将其列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。自2008年起中秋节被列为国家法定节假日。
优秀物理互动与传统RPG的完美融合其结果导致我3天肝了24小时,这游戏令人着魔! 画面:我给90分 虚幻4引擎带来了优秀的画面效果与写实的物理互动,为了最大程度保证流畅度,这款VR游戏竟然同时支持DLSS和FSR,在双重优化下保证VR入门级显卡都能流畅游戏,中高端显卡更是因此获得近乎完美的VR体验! 游戏性:我给99分 你玩过最优秀的中世纪格斗VR是哪款?剑与魔法?如果我说这游戏还原了其物理效果的90%你是否会提起一丝兴趣?如果再加入暗黑破坏神的装备系统你是否已经开始想要体验一下了?别急,这游戏不仅复刻了暗黑,甚至还借鉴了黑魂,并且地图每次都是随机生成,而且这一切还建立在最多4人联机的基础上,如果你沉迷于刷刷刷的快感,又想要秀一把人品拿新鲜出炉的史诗级装备在队友面前装逼,这游戏绝对适合你! 优点 画面优秀 全物理碰撞 种类繁多的装备 随机不重样的地图 联机体验非常优秀 无需加速器 缺点 贵,真的死贵
玩了114小时了,目前总结下感受: 优点: 击剑拦截格挡效果不错。 怪物动画流畅。 随机地图很好。 总BOSS憨憨可爱(屁)。 传奇武器爆率增加后,很爽! 缺点: 怪物种类太单一,攻击方式单一,习惯后毫无挑战性....(除了狂暴加速BOSS外) 可以快速跑通关(只要不遇上减速BOSS,S型走位躲开弓箭手,拉火车通关不是梦)。 之前以为是移动速度BUG的目前发现,原来有个步行和跑步切换功能....但目前来看走路没必要....纯属添乱.... 属性升级方式不自由,属性提升靠使用特定攻击或挨打提升,误提升了没用属性后无法反悔。且更新后武器攻击力提升巨大,导致属性的作用被进一步削弱...除了智力。 目前具备嘲讽功能的只有一个传奇盾牌......想练坦克很麻烦.... 困难通关模式后无所事事.....总BOSS打死后没有宝箱奖励..... 宣传和教程中的 双手合并 魔法无法使用,只能使用单手魔法! 宣传视频里 举起罐子砸怪操作 实际上没有伤害。只能砸晕一会儿怪物.... 魔法每次使用都需要打开一次菜单选择一次魔法.....哪怕重复使用同一种魔法...... 无法潜行暗杀,敏捷降低移动脚步声没卵用....教程里的匕首暗杀毫无意义..... 目前已知某个传奇装备和某种属性搭配时会有 无敌 效果,人物不会死亡,哪怕最终BOSS都打不死你!:) 加智力的法师是这个 游戏最厉害的角色,而不是战士。。。尤其拿到某些OB的传奇武器的法师....因为不缺MP...传奇武器伤害又与属性关系不大.... 总体来说,值得推荐。不错的游戏,虽然价格很贵(与目前质量相比),而且后期会很无聊,尤其拿到部分OB的传奇武器.....虽然很爽....但那种单人或多人一起冒险,紧张刺激的合力打半天,互相配合打死怪的感觉荡然无存了。 传奇武器的爆率提升了,确实玩起来舒服了,但是某些传奇武器真的应该平衡下,否则冒险游戏就变成了秒怪游戏了.....传奇武器提升了乐趣,但其中一些OB的传奇武器又让这种提升变得素然无味..... 最后,目前游戏的打击感依然只有怪物挥剑时通过对等挥剑拦截格挡这一点。对于身体冲撞,盾击,被击中等情况,怪物依然没有任何物理性反馈.... I have played for 114 hours, and now I summarize my feelings: advantage: The fencing interception block works well. The monster animation is smooth. The random map is good (the whole map is random). The total boss is simple and cute (fart). After the explosion rate of legendary weapons has increased, it's cool! shortcoming: The monster type is too single, the attack method is single, and it is not challenging after getting used to it... (except for the violent acceleration BOSS) You can quickly run through the level (as long as you don't encounter the slowing boss, the S-shaped walk avoids the archer, and it is not a dream to pull the train to clear the level). I thought it was a movement speed bug. I found out that there was a switch function between walking and running.... But at the moment, walking is unnecessary.... It's pure chaos.... The method of attribute upgrade is not free. The attribute upgrade depends on the use of specific attacks or beatings. If you upgrade the useless attributes by mistake, you cannot go back. And after the update, the weapon's attack power has increased tremendously, resulting in further weakening of the role of attributes...except for intellect. At present, there is only one legendary shield with taunt function...It is very troublesome to train tank... There is nothing to do after the hard mode.....There is no treasure chest reward after the boss is killed..... The combination of two hands magic in the promotion and tutorial cannot be used, only one-handed magic can be used! In the promotional video, the operation of raising the can and smashing the monsters did not actually hurt. Only stun the monster for a while... Every time you use magic, you need to open the menu and select magic once...even if you use the same magic repeatedly... Can't stealthily assassinate, it's useless to reduce the sound of moving footsteps quickly....The dagger assassination in the tutorial is meaningless... At present, it is known that a certain legendary equipment will have an invincible effect when matched with a certain attribute, and the character will not die, even if the boss cannot kill you in the end! :) The wizard with Intellect is the most powerful character in this game, not a strength fighter. . . Especially the mage who got some OB legendary weapons...Because there is no shortage of MP...Legendary weapon damage has little to do with attributes... Overall, it is recommended. Good game, although the price is very expensive (compared to the current quality), and the later stage will be very boring, especially to get some of the legendary weapons of OB.....Although it is very cool...but the kind of single or multiplayer Taking risks together, fighting together for a long time with intense excitement, the feeling of cooperating with each other to kill the monsters disappeared. The explosion rate of legendary weapons has increased, and it is really comfortable to play, but some legendary weapons should really be balanced, otherwise the adventure game will become a second-guess game... Legendary weapons have increased the fun, but some of them OB's legendary weapon makes this improvement completely tasteless... Finally, the current game's sense of percussion is still the only thing that monsters can use to intercept and block when they swing their swords peer-to-peer. For physical collisions, shield attacks, and being hit, the monster still does not have any physical feedback... Oh, yes, the painful thorns + heavy rain + freezing technique are released at the same time, and the extension game may crash when online!