迷你农场VR(Portable Farm)

迷你农场VR(Portable Farm)

  • 游戏类别: Steam VR游戏
  • 游戏语言: 英文
  • 游戏类型: 休闲
  • 游戏控制: 定位运动控制器
  • 游戏大小: 0MB
  • 更新时间: 2023-05-05
  • 制作发行: Bar Shift Games
  • 发行日期: 2020-11-03


迷你农场VR(Portable Farm)
迷你农场VR(Portable Farm)
迷你农场VR(Portable Farm)
迷你农场VR(Portable Farm)


Portable Farm是一种新型的 SteamVR 叠加层,它通过二维门户显示3D 对象和场景,允许用户在正常的 VR 体验之上到达内部并与另一个维度的对象进行交互。意义; 闲置游戏和其他类似概念现在可以在 VR 中实现!

***注意:由于此应用程序与 VR 游戏一起运行的性质,它在某些系统中存在 CPU 瓶颈问题,建议用户试用提供的演示,以衡量他们的系统是否可以处理运行此应用程序和他们的 VR 游戏同时进行***





  • 将门户重新定位和调整大小到任何位置以获得最大的便利,以及微调舒适度的选项
  • 使用一个可配置的抓握按钮与所有元素进行简单交互
  • 使农业更容易和更有利可图的升级
  • 装饰品可根据您的喜好定制您的农场
  • 季节在每个月初变化,改变土地的面貌
  • 季节性作物提供了多种种植选择
  • 植物的被动生长允许农作物在用户离开时生长
  • 给你的土地施肥,或者种一些三叶草,帮助你的植物生长得更快,并防止土壤很快变干
  • 使用独特的手势打开和关闭门户,将农场带入任何 VR 游戏,让用户不必担心控件会干扰他们的主要 VR 游戏


  • 我启动了应用程序,但看不到门户?/ 传送门太远了!

    这可能发生在一些涉及空间移动器的设置中,转到桌面 UI 并单击“Recenter Portal”按钮,然后在移动它的同时抓住传送门以查看它,如果农田地形不在附近,则单击“Recenter”播放器”按钮,它将把播放器移动到耕种地形前面。如果门户仍然没有出现,请尝试重新启动应用程序,如果这不起作用,最后一种罕见的情况是应用程序无法识别 SteamVR 程序,通过重新安装 SteamVR 解决。
  • 我不喜欢在门户关闭时每次移动时都必须重新定位门户

    游戏的 UI 上有一个选项,允许您在门户关闭时跟随您的位置和/或您的旋转,使其从您关闭时起保持在相对于您的同一位置,因此您所拥有的一切要做的是在门户处于舒适位置时关闭门户,并且相对于您而言,无论您在门户关闭时移动到哪里,它都会恢复。
  • 当我的头靠近门户时,我注意到一些“波动”

    这是由于显示方法的原因,要在不切断地形正面的情况下让 Portal 父亲返回,取消选中“Set Near Clip To Portal”选项将允许您将 Portal 向后移动,而不会切断前面的内容传送门(即:在你和传送门之间,而不是在传送门后面),因为它离得更远,所以看起来更舒服,调整比例也可以更容易地将传送门放在更靠后的地形上。
  • 我的庄稼不长!

  • 我在种子店买不到任何东西,因为我没钱了!

    You only start out with 20 money, so you can usually only buy 1-2 seeds to start out. If you end up in a place where you have no more money for seeds from the shop, no crops growing and nothing to return to the shop that would give you money back, within 60 seconds the game should check that you're at a dead-end and will restore your money count to 20.
  • I skipped the tutorial, can't get the gesture to work, or forgot how the gesture works!

    If you can't remember the gesture or want to see the tutorial again, pressing F3 on the desktop UI and then pressing the "Show tutorial again" button will run through the tutorial again, showing off the gesture with rotational axis labelled. If the gesture is too hard, or you can't twist your hands fast enough, you can lower the slider value on the lower left of the UI, which should make the gesture much easier to trigger
  • Can other people in the game see the farm?

    Unfortunately no, they will simply see you doing motions with your arms on invisible objects, much like how people in real life perceive what people in VR are doing.
  • How do I reach the back of the farm easier? How do I move the farm terrain to a better position for me?

    桌面 UI 有这方面的设置,例如在地形上启用临时移动手柄,允许用户抓住并拉动它们以移动地形,以及其他选项,如启用世界抓取锚点,允许玩家移动门户和周围的地形同时在他们的游戏区域中更好的地方。其他选项包括在门户关闭时跟随玩家,适用于那些不希望门户停留在其游戏空间中特定位置的不断移动的玩家。改变


  • 将近剪辑设置为门户

    "Near clip" refers to whether or not the portal will cut off (or not render) things that are in front of the portal (as opposed to behind it, from the viewer's perspective), turning this on can make more sense visually, turning it off makes it easier to place the portal farther back from the player and view more of the farm easily.
  • Enable World Grab Anchor

    Turning this on will enable a globe-like icon on the portal, and if the player grabs this icon the entire portal and terrain will move with the player's hand, allowing the player to place the farm anywhere they like easily. Turning it off simply hides this globe icon.
  • World Grab Anchor Also Rotates

    (This option will be locked while the option above is toggled off)
    Turning this on will allow the previously mentioned world grab anchor to rotate with the player's hand when grabbed. Turning this off means the world grab anchor will only move the terrain and portal, not rotate it.
  • Enable Temporary Terrain Shift Handles

    With this on, green and brown terrain shift handles appear on the front corners of the terrain, allowing players to move the terrain around temporarily while held, making it easy for players to reach the back of the farming terrain without having to lean. When the handles are released, the terrain goes back to where it was before the player grabbed the handles.
  • Portal Follows Player While Closed

    Turning this on will have the portal and terrain follow the player positionally while closed, allowing it to always be near the player when they open the portal again. This is good for players who move around a lot when playing. To allow the portal and terrain to rotate and match the front of the player's vision, see the next option.
  • Portal Also Follows Player Rotation

    (This option will be locked while the option above is toggled off)
    Turning this on will have the portal also follow the player's rotation when closed, allowing the player to rotate around while the portal is inactive, and have the portal always be in front of them when they bring it up again.
  • Require "Gesture Unlock" button to allow portal to activate with gesture

    This setting is for those who find they activate the gesture too often while playing their game, while this setting is active the gesture can only turn on if the button bound to "Unlock Gesture" (via the Steam VR bindings menu, which can be accessed by clicking "Show/Edit Bindings" as the button is NOT bound by default) is held down, allowing users to make sure the portal only turns on when they want it to.
  • Toggle Gesture Speed Threshold

    If the gesture is too hard to activate reliably, lowering this slide can make it easier to trigger, conversely raising it can make the gesture harder to trigger, as it changes the rotational velocity your hands have to be moving at to trigger the command.
  • FPS Input Field

    要设置门户的 FPS,只需输入您想要的数字并按回车键,该数字将跨会话保存。降低这个数字可以使门户看起来稍微更紧张,但也可以减少程序在用户计算机上的 CPU 负载。