九宫格 VR(9Grids VR)

九宫格 VR(9Grids VR)

  • 游戏类别: Steam VR游戏
  • 游戏语言: 英文
  • 游戏类型: 休闲 动作
  • 游戏控制: 定位运动控制器
  • 游戏大小: 1.15GB
  • 更新时间: 2023-01-30
  • 制作发行: Klexian / Ignite VR
  • 发行日期: 2016-09-12


9 GRIDS VR是HTC Vive的一款街机风格、快节奏、短小精悍、轻松有趣的游戏,结合了《打地鼠》和《世界末日中的躲避球》。砍杀或炸掉你的敌人,并通过在独特的9个网格移动系统周围移动来躲避他们的攻击!
九宫格 VR(9Grids VR)
九宫格 VR(9Grids VR)
九宫格 VR(9Grids VR)
九宫格 VR(9Grids VR)


9 Grids VR is an arcade-style, fast-paced, short and easy fun game for the HTC Vive that is a combination of whack a mole and dodgeball in a apocalyptic world.
*Please note that you MUST have a HTC vive in order to play the the game!*

Slash or blast up your enemies and dodge their attacks by moving physically around the unique 9 Grids movement system!

Currently 2 Worlds available with 5 levels each. Game-time is approximately 3 minutes for each level.

▪ Achieve the highest kill score while taking as little damage as possible
▪ Waves of enemies with increasing difficulty
▪ Defeat a boss at the end of the level
[To start round, use weapon to touch 'Start' button. Then use weapon to hit the level orbs that are orbiting around player. To change between worlds, press top left touchpad button]

Watch Level Select Tutorial Video at

Movement Mechanisms
▪ There are 9 locations (in the form of logs or rocks) and the player can hop to any of the location to dodge projectiles
▪ Layout of the 9 locations is similar to the numpad
▪ Enemies spawn in a separate set of 9 locations in front of the player
To move, player has the current two options:
Basic - Press trigger and move in real life to hop to the next location in game
Auto - Trigger button not required before each hop
[Press both triggers to toggle between Basic and Auto]

Watch Movement Tutorial Video at

Attack Mechanisms
Sword: Slash from up to down (vertically or diagonally) or from right to left to unleash a sword arc
Hammer (experimental): Hammer motion - Raise the hammer up high and strike downwards - to call lightning strikes
Gauntlet (experimental): Punching motion - from back to forwards - to fire energy punches
Each weapon has a different hit radius and damage. Possible to wield two different weapons at the same time.
[Hold grip button and bring current weapon behind player - Imagine there is a sheath on your back]

Watch Weapon Tutorial Video at

Developer's Comments
The game may still contain several bugs at this point of time. We have priced the game with the consideration to increase prices in the future with more content updates, somewhat like an early access title / pre-order. All proceeds will go towards game content.
Early buyers get free content updates although if there isn't much interest in this genre, there's the risk of little future content.
We appreciate all feedback and support (in terms of comments or reviews)!


6块钱,我只想说超值!画质很好,很有感觉,超耗体力,累死我了! 这游戏目前有5关,别看关卡少,我耗尽全力打到手臂酸疼才勉强过关,过关了不代表就没必要再玩了,因为还有分数上的挑战,蛮耐玩的,特别适合想边玩游戏边锻炼的。玩累了可以按手柄菜单键暂停。 目前有三种武器,刀、拳套、雷神之锤,在后背按一下手柄侧键选择武器,每只手可以拿不同的武器。不管用哪种,都是超耗体力,玩这个玩久了估计真会锻炼出手臂肌肉... 游戏可以移动,按下扳机,现实中往前(后、左、右)走就是移动到前(后、左、右)面一格,或者同时按下两个手柄的扳机,之后移动时就不要再按扳机了。其实,这种移动方式本身蛮不错的,但是由于这是个快节奏的游戏,要不停用力挥动手柄,所以这样移动的话,一个不小心走多了话,就容易撞墙,很容易撞坏手柄,所以要特别小心。 看介绍,以后还会有联机对战,那就更爽了,期待!