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Admiral Kresta 评论数:1

Admiral Kresta的游戏评论



很不错的游戏,目前还在抛光打磨,不过整体的玩法很不错,优化听作者说也在做。目前bug很多,不过作者一直在肝着修,应该很快就能都修好。刚刚解锁了超旗,还是很爽的,不过目前超旗有bug吃配件,但作者表示下个小更新修复。语音的确能带来很大便利,前提是英文发音能被系统识别到。本狐龙没有问题,而且在打得激烈的时候说实话还是腾不出手的,要让航母部署舰载机,或者让船体完整度低的船逃命,语音指令帮了大忙。总体来说是很好的游戏,而且汉化需要的工作量应该不会太大。很有潜力的游戏,希望作者未来继续打磨抛光咯~ An interesting and well-thought game I would say. The devs are polishing it right now and they seems pretty good at fixing the thing community mentioned so far. This is more like a framework and early beta phase, this game has potential and could be expanded A LOT in the future. Hope the devs get multilingual support somewhere in the future road map and roll on it. The voice command system is definitely some caviar for the game itself because sometimes I find in the heat of battle you don't have a lots of "hands" to maneuver your fleet, so voice command are better when you try to launch fighter or bombers, or order a ship to run for it's life sort of thing. All in all this game has A LOT of potential, hope the dev cook it till done and serve~