
1094442017 评论数:30


屠戮编年史 (Karnage Chronicles)

评论游戏《屠戮编年史 (Karnage Chronicles)》

很不错很优秀 值得玩
沙龙对决VR(Saloon Showdown VR)

评论游戏《沙龙对决VR(Saloon Showdown VR)》

非常优秀的射击游戏, 借鉴了20年前某款vr射击僵尸游戏, 可惜只有1关? 且关底似乎有bug 打死boss后就没法继续游戏了?
死人的爬行(Crawling Of The Dead)

评论游戏《死人的爬行(Crawling Of The Dead)》



我给这个游戏打分9分,我非常喜欢这个游戏,我来自中国, 优点:地图非常大!游戏时间很长,相对而言,价格不算贵,因为游戏时间非常长!我花费7个小时才玩完第一章,游戏难度也很高,我喜欢这种高难度游戏,但我推荐新人玩简单模式,尤其是英文不好的玩家,否则你会崩溃 缺点和意见:没有中文,所以我对于剧情一无所知,但更重要的是,至少将游戏操作方式汉化,尤其是开始引导界面,向导界面,因为我玩了很久,才知道怎么换弹夹,怎么奔跑,这让我的游戏难度提高很多,我是看攻略才知道怎么玩的,直到第2章我才会快速换弹夹。 另外,手电筒照射时候的震动,有些鸡肋,我基本用不到这个功能,但到了地铁,我却无法找到通行证,我发现需要手电筒照射一下才行,这对于新人不太友好 ***我希望有更多的章节 I, I rate this game 9, I love this game, I'm from China, Pros: the map is huge! Game time is very long, relatively speaking, the price is not expensive, because the game time is very long! It took me 7 hours to finish the first chapter, and the game is very difficult. I like this kind of difficult game, but I recommend the simple mode for new players, especially those who don't speak good English, otherwise you will crash I wish there were more chapters Shortcomings and opinion: there is no Chinese, so I know nothing for the plot, but more importantly, at least the game operating mode localization, to guide the interface, especially the wizard interface, because I play for a long time, just know how to change the cartridge, how to run, and my game difficulty to improve a lot, I didn't know how to play is to look at the strategy, I would quickly change cartridge until chapter 2. In addition, the vibration of flashlight irradiation, some chicken ribs, I can not use this function, but to the subway, I can not find the pass, I found that the need for a flashlight irradiation, which is not very friendly to the new

评论游戏《VR媒体查看器(VR MEDIA VIEWER)》



非常好玩, 更新后大变样, 画面更好, 内容更高,射击刺激感更强
黑色洛城:VR档案(L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files)

评论游戏《黑色洛城:VR档案(L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files)》

很好玩 很优秀 记得安装时选择中文
地下挖矿者2VR(Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder)

评论游戏《地下挖矿者2VR(Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder)》

不错 cave系列游戏就是这样 需要更新,我相信后续会更新出很多精彩的内容,目前还是比较单调了点,和当初cave1一样,初期简单,后来更新后非常好玩
荣耀传说 汉化中文版(Tales Of Glory)

评论游戏《荣耀传说 汉化中文版(Tales Of Glory)》

游戏的基础很不错,打击感 场景等,若能改进几点,会成为我心中的10分作品: 1,加入剧情模式,一个一个的选择任务 场景,有点乏味,很容易玩完后就厌倦了, 2,加入线上对战模式,人越多越好,哪怕是几十人的对战,因为npc说实话,有点愚蠢,我都是独战七八人围攻
荣耀传说 最新英文版(Tales Of Glory)

评论游戏《荣耀传说 最新英文版(Tales Of Glory)》

游戏的基础很不错,打击感 场景等,若能改进几点,会成为我心中的10分作品: 1,加入剧情模式,一个一个的选择任务 场景,有点乏味,很容易玩完后就厌倦了, 2,加入线上对战模式,人越多越好,哪怕是几十人的对战,因为npc说实话,有点愚蠢,我都是独战七八人围攻