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Bjork Vulnicura的VR专辑(Björk Vulnicura Virtual Reality Album)

评论游戏《Bjork Vulnicura的VR专辑(Björk Vulnicura Virtual Reality Album)》

1.据悉是世界上第一张完整的音乐专辑,一开始进入试听的第一首曲子时是的非常失望的,画质特别低清,毫无互动欲望。陆续听到第5首曲子family时,VR视觉上所带来的感觉和试听体验开始逐渐不同,长而平淡的过后带来的是立体的视觉盛宴,特别是好像是在热熔浆里的比约克出来时,不知道是不是翻越重生的感觉。 2.陆续听完整张专辑,整张专辑的歌曲都与我的审美是格格不入的,但并不代表不好,绝大部分是我听不懂,(本身自己的音乐造诣就不高,昨天试听的大奥2也欣赏不来,很尴尬)弦乐 的气势恢宏,奇怪艺术家比约克的自然主义色彩,仿佛依然回荡在我耳边 。我知道,这是一张颇具划时代意义的音乐流行专辑,接下来会有更多符合我口味和审美的VR音乐专辑出现,但这一张又很难超越,起码中国我看是好几年都没戏了。 3.另外,我了解到比约克是一位比较支持独立自决的歌手,政治立场很分明,也是一位藏 独分子。这一点,我不喜欢,作为一名普通的中国公民,我热爱自己的祖国,与所有乃至比约克热爱自己的国家一样,也希望比约克做好自己音乐的同时,不要无故搞企图分裂别人国家的举动,我爱中国,也爱中国的西藏自治区 。中国尊重和欢迎所有来中国的艺术家,但希望你们也能够尊重我们,就像你唱的那样 ,我们都是各自祖国的孩子。 4.总而言之,未来可期! 1. It is reported that it is the world's first complete music album. It was very disappointing when it first entered the first song of the audition. The quality of the picture was particularly low and there was no interactive desire. When I heard the fifth song family, the VR visual feeling and the audition experience began to gradually change. The long and plain afterglow brought a three-dimensional visual feast, especially as if it were in the hot melt. When York came out, I didn’t know if it was a feeling of rebirth. 2. Listening to the complete album one after another, the songs of the whole album are incompatible with my aesthetic, but it does not mean that it is not good. Most of them are I can't understand. (Their own music is not high, I listened to it yesterday. The big Austrian 2 can't appreciate it, it's very awkward) string The grandeur of the strange, strange artist Bjork's naturalistic color, as if still reverberating in my ears. I know that this is a epoch-making music pop album, and then there will be more VR music albums that match my taste and aesthetics, but this one is hard to surpass. At least, I don’t see it in China for several years. It is. 3. In addition, I learned that Bjork is a singer who supports independent self-determination. His political position is very clear and he is also a Tibetan independence. I don’t like this. As an ordinary Chinese citizen, I love my motherland. Like all the countries that Bjork loves myself, I also hope that Bjork can do his own music while not wanting to split other countries for no reason. The move, I love China, and also love China's Tibet Autonomous Region. China respects and welcomes all artists who come to China, but hopes that you can respect us as well, as you sing, we are all children of our respective countries. 4. All in all, the future can be expected!