
刘波儿 评论数:2


传染VR(Propagation VR)

评论游戏《传染VR(Propagation VR)》

很棒。很吓人。41分钟死亡很多回才打通。一开始肯定选散弹枪啊。但是上弹太难。而且没光亮看不见敌人。选手枪后打人打不准。但是有手电。中间一直用拳头打。发现还是拳头最好用。 优点:很真实很恐怖。非常棒的体验。一身汗。 缺点:太黑暗啦。看不清哇。不能快速移动与位移。转圈时完全懵逼。有时会丢失定位。明明转到怪物怪物闪身后,画面一闪回去了。 建议与希望:光线不要那么黑暗。希望有能躲避的地方。希望散弹枪跟胸前或手套上有手电。希望有无限不用换子弹模式。这样可以让新手比如我媳妇也能玩起来。 机器翻译: It's great. It's scary. 41 minutes and a lot of dead calls to get through. You'd have picked the shotgun in the first place. But it's too hard to reload. And you can't see the enemy without the light. The player can't hit after shooting. But there is a flashlight. He kept punching him in the middle. Turns out fists work best. Pros: Realistic and scary. It's a great experience. Sweat all over me. Cons: Too dark. It's hard to see. Unable to move and shift quickly. I'm totally confused when I spin around. Sometimes the location is lost. When Ming switched to the monster, it flashed back. Advice and hope: The light is not so dark. I wish I had somewhere to hide. Hope the shotgun has a flashlight on his chest or gloves. I hope there's an infinite number of no-change bullet modes. This will allow beginners like my wife to play. Machine translation:Thank you author
病毒传播 汉化中文版(Propagation VR)

评论游戏《病毒传播 汉化中文版(Propagation VR)》

很棒。很吓人。41分钟死亡很多回才打通。一开始肯定选散弹枪啊。但是上弹太难。而且没光亮看不见敌人。选手枪后打人打不准。但是有手电。中间一直用拳头打。发现还是拳头最好用。 优点:很真实很恐怖。非常棒的体验。一身汗。 缺点:太黑暗啦。看不清哇。不能快速移动与位移。转圈时完全懵逼。有时会丢失定位。明明转到怪物怪物闪身后,画面一闪回去了。 建议与希望:光线不要那么黑暗。希望有能躲避的地方。希望散弹枪跟胸前或手套上有手电。希望有无限不用换子弹模式。这样可以让新手比如我媳妇也能玩起来。 机器翻译: It's great. It's scary. 41 minutes and a lot of dead calls to get through. You'd have picked the shotgun in the first place. But it's too hard to reload. And you can't see the enemy without the light. The player can't hit after shooting. But there is a flashlight. He kept punching him in the middle. Turns out fists work best. Pros: Realistic and scary. It's a great experience. Sweat all over me. Cons: Too dark. It's hard to see. Unable to move and shift quickly. I'm totally confused when I spin around. Sometimes the location is lost. When Ming switched to the monster, it flashed back. Advice and hope: The light is not so dark. I wish I had somewhere to hide. Hope the shotgun has a flashlight on his chest or gloves. I hope there's an infinite number of no-change bullet modes. This will allow beginners like my wife to play. Machine translation:Thank you author