大魔法师(MageWorks) - Steam游戏评论

Preety magic game! I always want to play mage in VR game , and now it seems hopeful. But honestly , this game has a lot of room to improve , and the tutorial is needed. I explored few minutes and finally knowed how to page turn. and it seems that I'm unbeatable in the game lol. (ps: my gtx1070 can only change the "renderTargetMultiplier" to 1.2,I think it shouldn't be that ,you guys need to improve it.) ______________________________ 喜欢魔法的朋友一定不能错过,虽然是抢鲜体验版本,摸索操作也有点难,但是感觉真的挺有潜力的。骷髅兵也很可爱,一点都不吓人,现在有大概5系,10种不到的魔法,很多都还未解锁,但是感觉还是挺酷的。不过你在游戏中是无敌的目前,也就是现在更倾向于魔法欣赏而不是游戏。 (PS:steamvrsetting里的renderTargetMultiplier不能调太高,我的1070只能开到1.2,感觉是优化太差的缘故。) 想要了解更多VR游戏推荐的朋友,可以加我steam