禁闭之地(Gates Of Nowhere) - Steam游戏评论

游戏其实非常不错,但是有几个重大缺陷 The game is really good, but there are several major drawbacks. 1,移动速度太慢! 你们必须注意这是地牢游戏, 不该限制人物移动速度 1. The moving speed is too slow! You have to be aware that this is a dungeon game. You shouldn't restrict the speed of people's movement. 2,攻击判定太差,很多时候打到敌人,却造不出伤害 2. The judgement of attack is too bad. Many times it hits the enemy, but it does not cause harm. 3,关卡太少,我才玩到第3关,水牢那就卡住了,不知是不是bug,还是测试版缘故 3. There are too few checkpoints, so I can only play the third one. The water jam is stuck. I wonder if it's a bug or a test version? 虽然这样,我还是推荐,只希望你们能更新 In spite of this, I recommend that you update it.
画面比较好(或者说配置要求高,1060跑低效都吃力)。 冷兵器砍怪(但第一关的僵尸,怎么看都像布文海克实验室的僵尸) 移动是瞬移(或者说第三人称小人移动,放手瞬移) 操作让人不是很习惯。