For the developers:
Really a nice idea and a nice game.
I use Oculus to play it, and here are some advice for the VR usage:
1. The screen is too bright in VR mode and even hurts the eyes a little bit. Since the VR screen occupies major part of the field of view, it would have higher brightness on the eyes comparing with normal screens. So it would be much better if there is a dark mode. (also the saturation and brightness of the objects are also a bit high)
2. The 4D movement is controlled by the joysticks, but the movement is too fast, especially when the object is leaned to an angle which its length on the 4th dimension is short. I would suggest adding some settings to the game.
3. Buttons are too far away from the center. In the largest mode, the buttons are even inside the walls of my room. The gamepad has many buttons unused in this game, so they could be mapped to the option buttons (reset, line border, anti gravity, etc.).
真不错,六七年前在知乎问过有没有人做过 3D 可视化四维物体的软件,现在才发现这游戏已经发了这么久。
用 VR 玩比电脑屏幕的视觉效果好太多了,毕竟 4D 物体能用 3D 看就别用 2D 看(其实是 3D 物体的 2D 投影不过无所谓了x)。不过稍有点问题,比如拖动操作没那么丝滑,以及上面提到的那几点。
4D玩具(4D Toys) - Steam游戏评论